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Dear Purchasing Manager,
Have a good day.
This is Wendy Ma from China National Building Materials Group Corporation, CNBM is a Fortune 500 and the largest building material corporation in China, which has over 30 years export experience in building material.
We can supply various building material as following:
Product Name
Concrete Machinery
Concrete Batching Plant
Concrete Pump
Concrete Placing Boom
Concrete Mixer Truck
Construction Machinery
Wheel Loader
Dump Tuck
Oil Tank Truck
Tower Crane
Construction hoist
If you’re interested in above business, we would be happy to receive your any inquiry. Hope to build a long-term relationship with you.
Should you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
Best regards,
Wendy Ma
Sales Manager
CNBM International Corp
Address: No.2, Zizhuyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100044
Tel:(0086-10) 59042227
Fax:(0086-10) 59042275
Mobile:(0086) 18210136919
Skype: wendyma1986

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